
Selected publications on listening: history, practice and theory.

Working class listeners

  • David Vincent, The Rise of Mass Literacy: Reading and Writing in Modern Europe (Polity, 2000)
  • David Vincent (with John Burnet and David Mayall), The Autobiography of the Working Class, 3 vols (Harvester, 1984, 1987, 1989)
  • Paul Thompson, The Voice of the Past, 3rd edn (Oxford, 2000)
  • E P Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (Penguin, 1968)
  • Jonathan Rose, The Intellectual Life of the Working Classes, 2nd edn (Yale University Press, 2010)

Life writing

  • Daniel Cook and Amy Culley, Women’s Life Writing, 1700-1850: Gender, Genre and Authorship (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
  • Laura Marcus, Auto/biographical Discourses: Theory, Criticism, Practice (Manchester University Press, 1994)
  • James Olney, Memory and Narrative: The Weave of Life-Writing (University of Chicago Press, 1998)
  • Susan E. Whyman, The Pen and the People: English Letter Writers 1660-1800 (Oxford, 2009)


  • Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms: The cosmos of a sixteenth-century miller (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992)
  • Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero, Microhistory & the Lost Peoples of Europe (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991)
  • John Brewer, ‘Microhistory and the Histories of Everyday Life’, Cultural and Social History (2010) 7:1, 87-109

Reception theory

  • Jim Samson, New Grove 2
  • The Routledge Handbook on Reception
  • John Butt, Playing with History: The Historical Approach to Musical Performance (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
  • William Weber, The Rise of Musical Classics in Eighteenth-century England: A Study in Canon, Ritual and Ideology (Clarendon Press, 1992)
  • Eric Clarke, Nicola Dibben, Stephanie Pitts, Music and Mind in Everyday Life (Oxford: OUP, 2010)

Sociologists, anthropologists and other musical ‘outsiders’

  • Howard S Becker, Art Worlds (Berkley: University of California Press, 2008)
  • Ruth Finnegan, The Hidden Musicians: music making in an English town (Wesleyan Press, 2007)
  • Christopher Small, Musicking: the meanings of performing and listening (Wesleyan Press, 1998)

Special Editions

Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Volume 135 (2010) - Issue sup1: Listening: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Butt, J. (2010): Do Musical Works Contain an Implied Listener? Towards a Theory of Musical Listening, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 5-18

Irving, D. R. M. (2010): ‘For whom the bell tolls’: Listening and its Implications, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 19-24

Fitzgerald, W. (2010): Listening, Ancient and Modern, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 25-37

Etherington, B. (2010): Sound Gazes?, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 39-43

Leech-Wilkinson, D. (2010): Listening and Responding to the Evidence of Early Twentieth-Century Performance, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 45-62

Goehr, L. (2010): Canned Laughter, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 63-66

Cross, I. (2010): Listening as Covert Performance, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 67-77

Born, G. (2010): Listening, Mediation, Event: Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 79-89

Wannenwetsch, B. (2010): ‘Take Heed What Ye Hear’: Listening as a Moral, Transcendental and Sacramental Act, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 91-102

Chua, D. K. L. (2010): Listening to the Other: A Counter-Cultural Ear in iPodic Times, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 103-108

Lockhart, W. (2010): Towards the Third Way: Interdisciplinary Attitudes to the History and Practice of Listening, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 135:S1, 109-118

Musical Quarterly, Volume 82 Issue 3-4 (1998)

Botstein, L (1998): Toward a History of Listening, Musical Quarterly, 82 (No. 3-4): 427431

Wegman, R. C. (1998): Music as Heard: Listeners and Listening in Late-Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1300–1600), Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 432-433

Wegman, R. C. (1998): “Das Musikalische Hören” in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Perspectives from Pre-War Germany, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 434-454

Burstyn, S. (1998): Pre-1600 Music Listening: A Methodological Approach, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 455-465

Fuller, S. (1998): “Delectabatur in hoc auris”: Some Fourteenth-Century Perspectives on Aural Perception, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 466-481

Judd, C. C. (1998): Musical Commonplace Books, Writing Theory, and “Silent Listening”: The Polyphonic Examples of the Dodecachordon, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 482-516

McKinney, T. R. (1998): Hearing in the Sixth Sense, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 517-536

Nosow, R. (1998): Song and the Art of Dying, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 537-550

Wagstaff, G. (1998): Music for the Dead and the Control of Ritual Behavior in Spain, 1450–1550, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 551-563

Freedman, R. (1998): The Lassus Chansons and Their Protestant Listeners of the Late Sixteenth Century, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 564-585

Borgerding, T. (1998): Preachers, Pronunciatio, and Music: Hearing Rhetoric in Renaissance Sacred Polyphony, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 586-598

Wiebe, P. D. (1998): Music, the Emblematic, and “The Mystery of Holy Matrimony”, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 599-613

Austern, L. P. (1998): “For, Love’s a Good Musician”: Performance, Audition, and Erotic Disorders in Early Modern Europe, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 614-653

Stein, L. K. (1998): Eros, Erato, Terpsíchore and the Hearing of Music in Early Modern Spain, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 654-677

Orden, K. V. (1998): An Erotic Metaphysics of Hearing in Early Modern France, Musical Quarterly, 82 (3-4): 678-691

Rachel Cowgill and Peter Holman, Music in the British Provinces, 1690-1914 (Aldershot: Ashgate 2007)